Wednesday, July 25, 2012

ramadhan datang lagi..SYUKUR.=)

ramadhan kareem day 5 readerss semua..
still not too late utk ucap salam ramadhan utk uoollsss ..
bulan yg paling barakah n mulia ..
amal ibadat di'add'kan,less doing the bad thingss,kawal mata,telinga n mulut,,

ramadhan is around the cornerrr..=)

 ramadhan = month to collect pahala as many as you can..=)

what we can do to gain pahala..=)


tq ALLAH..=)

 I'm a herooo =) we are hero..=)

selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa tanpa ganguan iblis dan syaitan..INSYAALLAH.

p/s : iftar / sungkai mestila berpada2..jgn membazir ye kwn2..

Monday, July 23, 2012

my precious 22nd birth-day!!

salam ramadhan day 3 n hye uollss yg ohsem2 blake!!!

i wanna share some of my gifts i got from my beloved family
on my last bday-2 july 2012..

 my sis bg tepat jam 12 midnite...hehe..tq!+ abg ipar jgk..

 from sis too...basic tee.=)

 mkn2 smbil menikmati panorama indah--lookout point,ampang!

my dad's choice for me..tenx =)

p/s: tq semua..tq ALLAH.=)

Friday, July 13, 2012

homemade onion ringsss

salam n halluuu uollss sekelian..
hr ni i nk share resepi onion ringggss yg sedappp..haa!
da ready dgn pen n krts??( apela ak bajet2 cam chef plak nii..)

ok..let's start

 1. rendam bebawangggss dlm fresh milk or low fat milk for 15 min utk keserapan yg abadi..

2. gaul bersama tepung beras + tepung kfc..

  3. goreng ketika api sudah ckup pnas ye..( utk ank2 dara yg x brp tahu..jgn mara..hehe)

4. tadaaaa!siap!di hidang bersama en sos n cik mayo..

selamat mencube!! * ala2 'sedukk fifi' kt hot fm pg2..kiki

p/s : kpd sesiapa yg x mkn sayur, jgn risau...onion rings ni sdap sekali.. tmbh ke'sweetness' onion tu sendiri,anda xdpt beza ni bawmmgg , bawang ke me!hehe

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

our study week attitude..E.A.T A L.O.T !!

salam readerrrrrrrrrrs,,

guess what?tgk tajuk entry pown da tau kan msti psal makan..makan..n makan lg..

makan penting utk sumber nutrisi ( cewaahh nutrisi la sgt fastfood bagai kan..) n reduce stress
as students yg hidup dibelenggu assignmentss empatpulohriban, project yg tersgt 
menggunung tinggi n nk kena study for quiz,test ( bwk toyollll la sng..haha) 
n final tersgt infinityyyyyyyyyyyyyy byknya..pening!!

marilah berehat sebentar bersama mcd kawan2!!!!

sedapppppppp kan???

 ini rumet sy yg hot da bertaonnn2...die juge model 'fries mcd'! 

 ini juge rumet sy kecik ala2 bonsai cmtu...die model 'cheezeebergorr' !!

 burger sy umpama berkabus ala2 di genting...haha =)

 i'm lovin it!!

 mereke la kwn2 yg sekepala n suke le'lepakkss' n meronggeng di mlm hari dgn sy
especially utk xtvt mkn!!muahaha!

 wajah2 kanak2 terlebih jus ribena...( muke kenyanggg!! )

mereka juga duta mcd yg periang lg gagah ( ape kes gagah2 plak aku ckp ni...pekchaa luuu!)!!haha..

sebeelom melangkah pulang ke ump bertemankan kete kancil umur da separohh abad,
ktorg sempt menjelajah malam di sekitar tasekk kuonntownn utk 
menjamah angin malam..( xleh blah ayat aku entry ni...doii )

haha....ini la kami...rumatess since 1st year!

tenx for reading!!bye!
( since xde keje kt opis, terase plak nk update blog ku yg berdebu tebal ni..gewwwdixx lebey !)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

miss you mom

i miss your smile...
i miss your cooking...
i miss your care...
i miss your fast drive...
i miss how you hug me when i'm cry...
i miss everything about you..
its just
you will not be here with me,anymore..
i miss you...(adk syg ummi )

happy birthday ummi  n happy mother's day ~

Thursday, May 3, 2012

you just said that...just like that

you said that i'm jealous.ego.envious
you just said like that.
and from that moment..
my tears drop.
thank you, a-y

Monday, April 30, 2012

i think...

i think i love you..
but you say don't!
i think i miss you..
but you say can't!
i think i hate you..
but you say nothing!

i hate you..

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

wordless wednesday~

p/s : i love you.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

what happened to 'us'..?

what happened to our 'forever love' rings??

what happened to our sweet memories in rain..??

what happened to our promises..??

what happened to our romantic date..??

what happened to our heart..??

still..whatever happened..i still want you!


you're my drug, and i'm addicted!

p/s: i'm addicted to you mr.m!

Monday, January 30, 2012

its complicated

dear love,

          its getting hurt day by day because of your absence.i feel terrible,damn keep ignoring me till now.i just don't get it why?why?and why?..if you really want to leave me,want me to get lost from your life..just say it!say it once and loud.then i'll stop believing in you,i'll stop disturbing your life,i'll stop crying because of you,n i'll stop loving tell me something.don't keep quiet like this and assume i can understand the reason behind this..i will forget everything we shared before,every love we had before..that's my promise.

p/s : its for u tm..